Fruits and their Benefits

1. Lemons : Ability to treat kidney stones.
                    Maintain low blood pressure.
                     Reduce Fats.
                     Also used as cleaning agent.

2. Pineapple : Help to growth Bone and tissue.
                       Reduce inflammation.
                       Protect against cancer and tumor growth.

3. Avocado : Better for heart.
                      Reduce inflammation.
                      Maintain Cholesterol.

4. Blueberries : Work as a high antioxidant.
                         Reduce heart disease, diabetes, chronic condition.
                         Better for human immune system. 

5. Apple : Reduce risk of heart disease, diabetes, chronic condition.
                 improve digestion, metabolic health.
                 Act as anti oxidant.

6. Pomegranate : Reduce risk of cancer.
                            Act as anti-inflammatory.
                            Prevent disease.

7. Mango : Work as a high antioxidant.
                   Act as anti-inflammatory.
8. Strawberries : Maintain blood sugar.
                           Reduce disease.

9. Watermelon : Act as power anti oxidant.

10. Olives : Act as anti oxidant.
                    Reduce risk of cancer.

11. Blackberries : Act as anti-inflammatory.
                             Act as anti oxidant.
                             Reduce  chronic condition.

12. Orange : Reduce risk of Kidney stone.
                     Also has different type of Vitamins and minerals

13. Banana : Control Blood suger.
                      Benefit for Digestive health.

14. Grapes :  Benefit for Digestive health.

15. Guava : Act as anti-inflammatory.
                    Reduce risk of cancer.

16. Cherries : Improve quality of sleep.

17. Papaya : Improve digestion.
                     Rich in Anti-oxidant.

18. Persimmon : Improve healthy vision.
                           Act as anti-inflammatory.

19. Raspberry : Work as a high antioxidant.
                          Act as anti-inflammatory.

20. Star fruits: low in calories.
                        Rich in Anti-oxidant.