Plants We Should Keep In House For Better Health

We are keeping plants near or inside our but we have lack knowledge about the plants so in below i have given you some plant list with their Usefulness. 

1. Bamboo Palm :
    It helps to filter formaldehyde and benzene present in air. we can place this face to sun light or in dark.
2. Aloe Vera :
    This plant has pure liquid inside leaves we call as Aloe Vera jell, which is best for skin.fluid has rich of amino acid with antibacterial, also cure for skin disease. You can eat this that keep your body cold.

3. Golden Pot hos :
     We can place this in low light condition. It is one of the best air purifying plant we can place any where inside room.

4. Peace Lilies :
    Keep this plants near windows and doors it needs a little sun light, never put over water on this. It removes formaldehyde from air.

5. Pot Mum :
    It needs sunlight, good looking and smell and helps to remove benzene present in air.

6. Spider Plant :
    We should place face to sun light, slow growing and good to remove formaldehyde.

7. Azalea :
    It increases your room decoration, removes formaldehyde from air.

8. Dracaena
  This plants we can place outside room, not good for pets and remove benzene from air.

9. Ficus :
    This plant has better air cleaning quality. remove formaldehyde from air.

10. Lavender :
      It has stress relieving quality, good for mental health. In case of shop as well in skin cream we use. we can place inside bedroom as give sound sleep.

11. English ivy :
      This plant are helpful for asthma people, we can place in dark places. Keep a distance from children and pets.

12. Snake Plant :
      It is one type of plant that convert CO2 to oxygen at night also so its better to keep inside bedroom, it has also best air purifying quality.    

13. Chinese Evergreen :
      This plant is not good for pets, good to maintain room air quality.

14. Rose Mary :
      We should place this face to sun light , this is used for medicine as it improve the memory power.

15. Boston Fern :
      This plant is famous for its humidify maintain quality also keep the air cool and clean by removing formaldehyde from air.

16. Dragon Tree
      One of good looking plant we can place this in office or house outsides.

17. Holy Basil : 
      This plant is used for medicine, not harm for pets and human, we can place face to sun light.